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10 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe in Summer

dog by water in summer

Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

Hot weather brings summer fun, water sports and plenty of outdoor time with our dog.The warm summer weather is just around the corner so we compiled 10 dog tips to keep them safe in summer.

Summer Safety Tips for You Rescue Dog

1. Keep your dog hydrated

Just like their humans dogs get hot and can easily overheat in summertime. This is a time to make sure your dog stays hydrated. Here are a few cool ways to hydrate your canine.

  • Add a few ice cubes to cool their drinking water (but do not give ice cold water)
  • Treat them with dog friendly ice cream and popsicle treats
  • Chill their bowl in the freezer before adding water

2. Give your dog a summer haircut

The hair on the body of a dog helps regulate their temperature all year around. So before you take the clippers to your dog, talk to your groomer about the best summer do’s for your rescue.

  • Giving your dog a puppy cut. Fluffy dogs look super cute with a puppy cut ( a shorter version of their fluffier do)
  • Have their face and the fur around their toes trimmed professionally
  • Trim or shave belly (not too short, as it will be itchy) fur so they can feel a cool floor

3. Never leaving your dog inside a car

Besides the risks of theft we’ve all heard horrifying stories about dogs being left hot cars. The inside temperature of cars far exceed the outside, and even a few seconds in a car is dangerous for your dog, and, even fatal.

  • Shop in only pet friendly stores
  • Never leave them tied up outside
  • If in doubt leave your rescue dog in a cool safe place at home

4. Cool tip, let your rescue dog wade in water

One of my favorite and fun way to help my rescue cool down is to buy a kiddies wading dog friendly pool. This way I get to dip my toes, while being entertained by my canine friends. *** Never leave your dog unattended***

Collapsible Wading Pool for Dogs and Kids on Amazon 

  • A plastic shell wading pool is tougher than one that is a blow up style.
  • Never leave your dog unsupervised around water
  • Dry their paws before running in the house to avoid slipping

5. Protect your dog’s paws

If you’ve run barefoot on a hot summer day you know it doesn’t take long for your feet to burn. And, though research shows that the feet of a dog have a built in cooling mechanism, hot sidewalk and roads are no match for your dogs paws.

  • Walking early morning and evening will help avoid the hot daytime sun
  • Teach him to wear heat protective shoes if he has to walk on sun heated surfaces
  • Apply a proper cooling lotion; the wrong creams will heat up like oil and burn the pads

6. Avoid Over Exercising Your Dog

Similar to their humans, dogs can get lethargic and dehydrated in the heat of the sun. The last thing anyone wants to do is taking a run or playing hard. While maintaining your dogs exercise routine is important, you want to avoid over exercising your canine.

  • Walk in the cooler early morning and evening time
  • Go slow and don’t expect your dog to do any more than you, such as bicycling while your dog runs
  • Carry ample water for both you and your dog

7. Sunscreen Tips for Your Rescue Dog

Some dog breeds have less hair and are more prone to the harshness of the sun. Which means just as you and I can burn so can the skin of your dog. This can cause serious skin issues and, in some cases, even skin cancer. So make sure your dog is protected with a sunscreen.

All Natural Cream and Sunscreen for Dogs on Amazon

  • Protect areas’ such as nose and ears with a dog friendly sunscreen
  • Apply sunscreen frequently to dogs where skin is exposed in particular dogs with fine hair and hairless

8. Avoiding muzzles

All dogs need to breathe freely. Canines release majority of their sweat through their tongue, which means they need to open their mouth. Avoid using muzzles, if such a device is deemed necessary talk to you vet regarding a safe alternative

9. Monitor your dog for signs of heatstroke

Even when you take all the right precautions it’s still possible for your rescue dog to get heatstroke. For this reason it’s important to know what to look for. If you any of the following signs then contact your vet regarding your canine. According to an article in NoahsArkPet, these are some of the signs to watch for:

  •  Excessive panting or difficulty breathing, excessive panting
  • Dehydration, tiredness or lethargy
  • Excessive drooling, dizziness
  • Fever
  • Bright red, gray, purple, or bluish gums.
  • Rapid pulse
  • Muscle tremors
  • Vomiting or diarrhea

10. Water Safety Tips for Your Rescue Dog

Water and sun go hand in hand. While some dogs rather chill indoors, others love being included all activities and that means water sports too. If your swimming, boating or paddle boarding, etc with your rescue or any dog be sure that you are following water safety tips.

  • Get a well fitted life vest for your canine and make sure he wears it
  • Beware of currents and under currents
  • Keep your dog away from fishing gear with hooks and line, etc
  • Stay away from bodies of water with algae where a dog can get trapped or sick
  • Never push your dog’s limits

Concluding Rescue Dog Tips for Summer Safety

Thank you for visiting rescue dog happiness. We hope that you find a few of these summer safety tips for you rescue dog useful. After all, your canine is part of the family and deserves the best of everything.

For more tips for new dog owners check out our guide for a happy healthy dog.

Wishing you and your canine a safe, fun and happy summer!