10 Most Affectionate Small Dog Breeds the Ideal Companions Small dog breeds are really the best. You can easily take them with you on errands, fit some of them in little doggo purses (Paris Hilton, please… No!) and best of all, you can easily scoop them up on the couch for some serious cuddle time. …
Dog Care
Dog Care
Dog care is part of your job as a dog parent. Though it takes work, the rewards of caring for a dog is incredibly rewarding.
Whether you get a rescue dog from a shelter or a specific breed of dog, their care is basically all the same. Love, food, shelter and warmth is all a dog needs.
However, Unlike dogs that are purchased from a reputable breeder it’s unlikley to have the history of a rescue dog.
Many of these rescues come from backgrounds that we as a human can’t imagine. Often all they need is a special person to help them learn to trust again. While others need a little extra time and care to get back on their paws again.
Does a Rescue Dog Need More Care
Many dogs will come in like any other, liking our face and wagging their tail. Others haven’t felt a loving human hand or a gentle voice. Some are not used to warmth and a soft bed. So in the beginning, they may require some space, and a little calm and guidance as they become accustomed to their new life.
In a few cases they may have a special need that requires care, but rescue facilities will do their very best to provide you with a profile that include the any known health issues and treatment given.
The best rescue center’s want the best for the dogs. They want good homes and matches for this lifetime commitment.
This is where it’s important as a responsible dog owner to evaluate your limits. It’s ok not to say yes to adopting a particular dog if you can’t meet their needs. There will be someone else who is ideal for that particular rescue. And there will be others rescue dogs that will be right dog for you.
Dog Owners
Thousands of dog owners (guardians) will tell you that their dog knows what you did for them, and, that love is returned a millions times over.
Dog Care
In this blog we share tips and articles about caring for your rescue.
Caring for and raising a rescue is a win – win of love and happiness, hence the blog name Rescue Dog Happiness!
Positive Reinforcement for Training Your Rescue Dog
Positive Reinforcement for Training Your Rescue Dog Shouting, screaming or waving a newspaper is bad advise. Fear will never build confidence, in fact the opposite. Praise, leadership, and positive reinforcement is key for training your rescue dog. You are the pack leader and your canine looks to you to show him the way – teaching …
Why Does My Rescue Dog Sleep So Much, and What’s Normal?
Why is My Rescue Dog Sleeping So Much? What Is Normal – Age, Breed and Health Introduction – Why Does My Rescue Dog Sleep So Much Dogs sleep averagely for twelve to fourteen hours in a day. Your dog snuggles down for a snooze, or he seems to fall asleep for hours You wonder why …
Taking Care of Your Dog’s Teeth
How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Teeth – Dental Care Tip for Your Dog Taking Care of Your Dog’s Teeth – Your dog is a special part of your family. He provides companionship and love without asking for much in return. And of course you want your take to be in your life for …
How Often Should You Take Your Dog to a Vet for a Check up
Vet Check Up How Often to Take Your Dog How Often Should You Take Your Dog to a Vet – Dogs are a true best friend and part of the family. Taking care of your dogs health and keeping them safe is crucial. But you may ask how often should you take your dog to …
Dealing with the Loss of Your Dog
Dealing with the Loss of Your Dog, It’s Okay to Grieve Dealing With the Loss of Your Dog – When your dog passes away, you’re will get a lot of well-meaning advice and words of comfort. People will tell you that your pet has gone to a better place, that time will make it …
Tips for Housetraining an Adult Dog
Housetraining Tips for an Adult Dog Housetraining an Adult Dog – You just adopted a beautiful adult dog. But you’re not sure if he’s knows how to do his business outside. Whether you adopt an adult dog or puppy there are adjustments to make. While adult dog prefer to go to the bathroom outside, some …
How to Help Your Dog Cope With Change
Helping Your Dog Cope with Change Dogs are family. We love our dogs because they’re loyal, sensitive, and like their humans they can be emotional creatures. But for those same reasons, change can be difficult for them. Whether it’s moving the furniture or moving house or bringing home a new baby. It’s new for them. …
5 Annoying Dog Habits and How to Stop Them
How to Stop Annoying Dog Habits 5 Annoying Dog Habits and How to Stop Them We love our dog’s and they are a wonderful addition to the family. But like any family member, dogs can have some pretty annoying habits. Like…barking … jumping on people, chewing up your best stuff… As a dog parent it’s …
Walking Your Dog in Hot Weather Safety Tips
Walking Your Dog in Hot Weather – Safety Tips You Should Know It’s hot, the air is thin, the ground is hot. You wonder if you should be walking your dog in hot weather. Just like their humans, your dogs feet can burn on the hot floors. And, they can also get sunburn as well …