
About Chihuahuas 21 Things to Know

Chihuahuas 21 things to know
Image courtesy of Pexels


If you are thinking about adopting a Chihuahua rescue dog we put together a life of 21 things to know about Chihuahuas.

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If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting a chihuahua then you’ll have some insight into their fun and quirky character. These loving small dogs are often found for adoption, so you can find them in shelters and rescue dog societies. To learn a little more below is a list that may apply to the playful Chihuahua dog.

1. Chihuahuas are one of the smallest breed of dogs.

2. These small dogs have a long lifespan, many living up to 18 years or more.

3. Typically Chihuahuas come in two coat types: long-haired and short-haired, and come in a variety of colors, including black, white, brown, and fawn.

4. They are known for their energetic and confident personalities.

5. Though they are small they are loyal and protective of their owners.

6. Chihuahuas are great little dogs that can live in an apartment as well as a house dogs due to their small size.

Possible Chihuahua Health Issues to Be Aware of

7. The Chihuahua may be prone to dental problems and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). To keep them health it’s important to monitor their food intake. And brush their teeth to help prevent any dental issues.

8. They can be prone to certain genetic health issues such as liver shunts, heart issues, and Patellar Luxation.

9. Some can be prone to Chihuahua eye syndrome which can cause blindness if not treated.

10. Due to their small size they can be prone to heat stroke due to their small size and lack of ability to regulate body temperature. Keep them warm with a vest or dog jacket designed for small dogs.

11.They can be prone to certain genetic health issues such as liver shunts, heart issues, and Patellar Luxation.

About Chihuahuas

12. Chihuahuas are smart and can be easily trained using positive reinforcement training.

13. Chihuahuas are originally from Mexico and are they are very popular in the US and Canada. Often times Chihuahuas are found as street dog and many of them become part of a rescue dog operation.

14. Socialize them as early as possible. This is to prevent aggressive behavior towards other dogs or people.

15. Like most any dog, Chihuahuas can be prone to separation anxiety if they lack socialization.

16. Socialize them as early as possible. This is to prevent aggressive behavior towards other dogs or people.

17. Chihuahuas love to eat, so they can be prone to obesity if they are not provided with daily exercise and a healthy diet.

18. The Chihuahua dog though small may have lots of high energy, so allow time to play and give them toys to entertain them.

19. They make great companion dogs and are well suited for older or retired people.

20. You can often adopt a Chihuahua from a rescue dog society or shelter, so make sure to check out your local dog shelter and rescue society and ask about available small dogs.

21. Chihuahuas though small may be strong little canines. To help keep them safe consider using a harness made for small dogs.

Concluding 21 Things to Know About Chihuahuas

I hope you enjoy this article about Chihuahuas. It’s important to know that each and everyday dog is unique so this a brief overview of these cute little puppers. So if you are ready to have a Chihuahua dog join your home then visit or call your local shelter or rescue society and learn more about adopting a rescue dog today.

One more thing to know about Chihuahuas is that they enjoy being part of their family, And that can mean just you and him/her. So don’t be surprised if they gravitate towards their favorite person (you).

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