
Making Homemade Dog Food
natural dog food recipes

Before we dive in to our full review, below is a quick overview of the 4th edition of Dog Food Secrets – Making Homemade Dog Food. For anyone who is curious about what goes into dog food and how to make it then you’ll want to check out Dog Food Secrets for you canine best friend.

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Dog Food Secrets Overview

Discover the ugly secrets of buying from the commercial dog food industry. And learn how to make quick and easy healthy dog food recipes for a healthy happier dog.

  • Author- Andrew Lewis
  • Cost $27 for the Silver Pack which offers all you need
  • or $47 for the Gold Pack which is an optional upgrade but not necessary
  • Ease Of Use 9.5
  • Customer Support 9.5
  • User Satisfaction 9.4

Avoid toxic commercial dogs food and feed your canine quick and easy homemade natural recipes!

If your dogs is obese, or has a reduced efficiency of bodily functions, organs, renal hepatitis to adulthood due to excess protein, weakened immune systems and allergic reactions … “ then you MUST read Dog Food Secrets and how to learn about the dog food industry and how to make affordable and healthy food for your puppy or dog.

dog food secrets to make homemade dog food

The Shocking and Ugly Truth About Commercial Dog Food

Would you feed your dog, sick animals or slaughterhouse waste or worse? Of course not…

Yet the majority of commercial dog food contain such products. Many dog food though marketed well contain inferior products. Some of which be toxic. Some such ingredients may include lead, and other toxins ‘find’ their way into so called  all natural ingredients. This is due to lax and corrupt labelling that is allowed.

While loving dog owners think they are feeding their canines the best food when in fact they are paying top dollar for food that can kill their dog.

Read if You Dare and See What is in Many Dog Food Products

Dog Food Secrets share that up to 50% of trademarked products are essentially animal industries euphemisms for different pieces of deadstock. These so called meat is also known as slaughterhouse waste, 4M meat (dead animals, sick, dying or in bad shape), and yes a large number of  dogs that died in animal centers. The ugly truth is everything is a money making commodity.

Many premium can and kibble suggests that “only the highest quality ingredients are used.  But since its a billion dollar industry that claims quality ingredients – you may ask the question – according to whom”.

We can no longer put trust in commercial food companies when they have nothing to do with the health of our pets. It’s all about the money.

Commercial Dog Food Scam Statistics and Why YOu Need to Consider Homemade Food for Your Dog

In the US, more than 95% of dogs derive their nutritional needs from a single source, which is can food and other related dog foods. As a result, the pet food industry is a thriving business that has no end in sight.

In 1998, US sales of Commercial dog food amounted to $ 5.9 billion. This number represent a 25% increase since 1993. With approximately 55 million Dogs. Such profits are obtained by minimizing costs and improving the flavor (appeal in terms of taste, odor, color and texture) of the products sold.

By 2002, the US feed industry had a capital of $ 11 billion. This food industry uses a variety of ingenious tactics in the feed to minimize its (production) costs, and all the expense of our dogs health.

70% of the whole commercial food is made attractive to animals by the addition of a “digestive soup” – soup of partially dissolved chicken guts.

Scientists working on animal feed have long discovered how to enrich a mixture of food remains otherwise inedible with artificial vitamins and minerals. This is how many manufacturers stop rot during storage for a year or more. Flavor enhancers and dyes are added to improve the flavor. Processed into fancy shapes, with appealing package covered with advertising claims allowed.  

No dog parent makes a conscious decision to feed food that makes their dog sick.

Pet Parents Need to Check Out Dog Food Secrets

Anyone who wants to feed their canine naturally to help with:

Canine Obesity

Skin Conditions in Dogs

Strengthen immune systems
Relieve allergic reactions

Improve Bodily functions such as: organs, renal hepatitis to adulthood due to excess protein

About Dog Food Secrets Solutions for Healthy Dogs

Dog Food Secrets is a comprehensive and truthful downloadable book available only in THE OFFICIAL WEBSITEThis is not only a Cookbook for Dogs, but in addition, an ebook with full reviews which reveals the truth about all scams in Commercial Dog Food.

Feed Your Dog Natural Food Quickly and Easily

Dog food secrets gives you everything you need to feed your dog natural food. If you worry that your don’t have time the product shows you how make easy meals and in little time.

This ebook shows you how to avoid toxic foods for dogs. And how to keep your dog healthy at home without the need to buy expensive and harmful supermarket pet food.

Dog Food Secrets is an Easy To Follow cookbook for your Puppy or Dog. Created by Andrew Lewis along with dog nutrition experts and famous veterinarians advice.

This System is now followed by thousands of Dog owners around the world.

According to latest customer reviews, Andrew’s Dog Food System is helping people to guarantee the good health and long life of their dogs. Simply by following this step-by-step guide.

It is a final solution to avoid health problems and behavior issues by providing all natural and useful Proteins and Vitamins to your puppy or dog, by using The Dog cookbook part.

What’s Inside Dog Food Secrets Beside Healthy Homemade Recipes for Dogs

Dog Food Secret System teaches you how to make easily delicious and healthy meals for your canine.

In addition, the Gold Package will give you much more learning and backing. The Gold Package incorporates 11 books (three of them have been recently distributed).

The entire Dog Food Secrets Package will enable you to have a happy and solid canine. It reveals a whole Food System that will guarantee and improve your Dog’s health for sure.

Dog Food Secrets should have a place in your kitchen, so that you can prepare your dog Food yourself. It includes specific meals such as:
  • meat as well as vegetable
  • dishes for breakfast
  • dinners
  • hamburger or other treats
  • treats and cake

The cookbook for Dog emphasizes six parts that explains how vitamins and beef can be more useful and healthy when they are cooked with the right way in the suitable recipes.

Below is an example of a Recipe in The Cookbook Healthy, Natural Food for Optimal Canine Health

The Bottom Line and Why You Need to Know About Homemade Recipe for Your Dog

  • All dog owners (including myself) are mistrustful about commercial Dog Foods and how we should be more concerned about what we are providing to our Puppies and Dogs as nutrition.
  • Sure, Pets are trusting their owners and they will accept anything they feed them, so it is a big responsibility for all to take the right decision.
  • This Dog Food System is revealing real secrets about The Right and Healthy meals, using only natural ingredients and products to make easy homemade recipes for your Dog, so there is nothing to worry about.
  • According to Dog Food Secrets Ratings and Reviews, this System is useful for thousands of Dog Owners.
  • The System is created by Andrew Lewis, a famous specialist in pet nutrition.
  • It is now recommended by many veterinarians in USA and Canada.
  • Offers a 60-day money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose if you purchase The Dog Food Secrets System. If you don’t see clear results, you can get your money back.

Concluding Reasons to Make Homemade Dog Food – Dog Food Secrets in Review

> DOWLOAD The New Guide “Dog Food Secrets <


  • Learn to keep your dog healthy with homemade natural dog food
  • All natural recipes for puppies and dogs
  • Top reviews by customers who use the product
  • 100% all natural way to feed your dogs
  • Created along with veterinary expert
  • Instant access
natural dog food recipes