Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
why does my dog poop less

Grooming Your Rescue Dog Basic Tips

Grooming Tips to Groom Your Rescue Dog Grooming your rescue dog. Keeping your dog clean and healthy is one of the most important things you can do for your canine. If the dog owner is not aware of the grooming, then the dog may encounter injuries or even infection. First steps of grooming consists of …

dog like blankets dog snuggling on their blanket

Why Does My Rescue Dog Sleep So Much, and What’s Normal?

Why is My Rescue Dog Sleeping So Much? What Is Normal – Age, Breed and Health Introduction – Why Does My Rescue Dog Sleep So Much Dogs sleep averagely for twelve to fourteen hours in a day. Your dog snuggles down for a snooze, or he seems to fall asleep for hoursĀ  You wonder why …

dog exercising by a swimming pool

Exercising Your Rescue Dog Safely

Exercising your Rescue Dog Just like in humans, exercising your rescue dog is very important to their physical and mental wellbeing.