What to Do When Your Rescue Dog Won’t Pee Outside
Nobody wants to come home to mopping up a puddle of pee or scrubbing a urine-soaked carpet. And, while it can be frustrating it’s important to find out why your rescue dog won’t pee outside, and what you can do to help?
The first thing to consider is if your dog is a new rescue to the family, there is a possibility that your canine hasn’t yet been potty trained. However, if that’s not the case, and, your dog who usually does his business outside is suddenly not, then it time to investigate why. If your dog is mature, or a senior who has never been trained then check out this article for potty training senior dogs.
Next step is if this is out of character for your dog you will want to talk to your veterinary and rule out possible health conditions. If your vet gives your rescue a clean bill of health then make a list of the why’s…
Reasons Your Rescue Dog Won’t Pee Outside
Dogs learn by association. Like their humans some dogs are affected by seasonal changes and all that it brings. So if a dog suffers with dermatologic flare-ups as a result of some plants, flea or mosquito bites your dig may associate such, and, avoid going outside to the bathroom. Talk to your vet regarding a canine safe antihistamine. Then make attempts to bring him outside to the grass slowly.
Age of Your Dog – Consider Hips, Joints and Stairs
Aging is another reason why your rescue dog may find it difficult to go outside to pee. Your senior dog may avoid standing and especially if there are stairs to tackle.
For dogs that can still walk without much help, a ramp may help your dogs mobility. If your a rescue is arthritic, has joint issues or in pain then have a vet help to manage their pain. There are a variety of medications that can help manage the pain. In addition you can try natural remedies such as Glucosamine and chondroitin.
Emotional Issues Your
Other reasons for your rescue dog not peeing outside maybe related to anxiety, fear or trauma. Until you figure out why then accompany your dog outdoors to help him feel secTo help your dog feel more secure you can accompany him so that he feels more secure outdoors.
Clean Up and Create a Safe Space outdoors
Make sure the outdoors are well lit and that the pathway is clear. In addition clean up old poop as dogs like to do their business in a clean space.
Consider All Issues
Consider all changes that may have contributed to change even if it seems minor.
Make a List of All the Possible Reasons:
- When did he start not going to pee outside?
- Was there a storm, change in the weather, what about a recent scare?
- Have you noticed any anxiety or pacing?
- What about new changes?
- Did you move house?
- Is there a new pet or loss of a human or pet?
- Has anyone in the household been under stress?
- Any incidents that may be perceived by your dog as unusual or distressing?
There are so many reasons that can cause a change in behavior, dogs as most animals are emotion creatures, and some ore than others.
What to Do When Your Rescue Won’t Pee or Poop Outside
If a rescue has experienced any changes it can be normal for dog bathroom habits to change. With a little help you can help your dog to adjust using gentle reminders and positive reinforcement such as the following:
Stay Calm
When your dog won’t go to pee or poop outside stay calm There is a reason for their behavior. Anger or punishment won’t help them to go outside to potty. But if there is progress then quickly reinforce the positive behavior with treats and encouragement.
Routine and Encouragement
Dogs are creatures of habit, and, they like predictable routines. Start a routine and stick to it. Take your rescue out to his regular bathroom spot, even if your dog doesn’t appear to want to go out. Get excited about going to the bathroom outside. The whole process can be helped along using treats, toys, and encouragement.
Few attempts required to correct the issue
When with your dog, pooping and urinating in the house should be termed a “bad action”. Though you shouldn’t hit, yell, or rub their nose in poop, there’s a need to move them immediately onto a pee pad or take them outside. Ensure that this correction is made a few minutes after the accident to help him make the connection.
Make Use of Pee Pads
If you exhausted all the above and still your dog pees in the house then help alleviate some of the problem by using pee pads. These absorbent pads will help your dog have a place to go without making too much mess.
If this problem has nothing to do with trauma, training, allergies, nor is it associated with hip or joint pain, then there’s a chance it’s a problem with his bladder. This can affect the nerves surrounding the organ. And in this case you can help your dog bladder issue by using pee pad, diapers or proving a pee mat. These pee mats can be placed on a deck or bathroom floor where it is easy for your your dog to urinate.

Concluding Why Your Dog Won’t Pee Outside
There are several reasons why your rescue dog will decide not to pee outside. Some of these reasons can be treated easily and with a little time and patience.
Where as some of issues such as bladder incontinence can be helped with the use of pee mats, grass pads and washable absorbent washable bedding. In addition there are great cleaners and odour products to keep the odors away while you focus on caring for your canine friend. Whatever the case don’t out it off and take care of your dog issues in the best way for you and him both.